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For those who are LONELY


Dr Edward Bach’s description for IMPATIENS


Those who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. They find it very difficult to be patient with people who are slow, as they consider it wrong and a waste of time, and they will endeavour to make such people quicker in all ways. They often prefer to work and think alone, so that they can do everything at their own speed.


– The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

IMPATIENS is grouped in "Loneliness"

The Impatiens remedy, according to Dr. Edward Bach, is formulated for individuals who are characterized by impatience, irritability, and a strong desire for quick and efficient results. Those in need of this remedy may exhibit symptoms such as a fast-paced lifestyle, intolerance for the slowness of others, and a tendency to work and think independently. Emotionally, individuals requiring Impatiens may feel a sense of inner tension, frustration with delays, and a preference for solitude to avoid the perceived inefficiency of others. The mental and emotional burden associated with Impatiens creates a state of impatience, hindering the individual's ability to be present in the moment and enjoy the process.

Individuals who may benefit from the Impatiens remedy often exhibit symptoms of impatience, irritability, and a strong desire for quick results. This can manifest as a fast-paced lifestyle, intolerance for the slowness of others, and a preference for working and thinking independently. Emotionally, they may feel a sense of inner tension, frustration with delays, and a tendency to seek solitude to avoid the perceived inefficiency of others. The mental and emotional burden associated with Impatiens creates a state of impatience, hindering the individual's ability to be present in the moment and enjoy the process.


Impatiens is categorized under the group of remedies known as the "Loneliness" group. This group includes remedies such as Water Violet and Heather. The remedies in this group are specifically designed for emotional states characterized by a profound sense of isolation and disconnection from others. Impatiens addresses the specific aspect of loneliness related to impatience, irritability, and a preference for working in solitude.


Numerous case studies and success stories highlight the effectiveness of the Impatiens remedy in helping individuals find relief from impatience and develop a more tolerant and accepting attitude. Patients who have incorporated Impatiens into their holistic well-being routines report a shift toward greater patience, improved ability to work collaboratively, and a more relaxed approach to daily life. While individual experiences may vary, these success stories underscore the positive impact of addressing emotional states on overall mental and emotional well-being.


The Impatiens remedy is derived from the flowers of the Impatiens plant, scientifically known as Impatiens glandulifera. Native to Asia, this plant is also known as Himalayan Balsam. The flowers are harvested to create the Impatiens remedy, which is then prepared using the Bach flower essence method.


Positive Potential:


The positive potential of the Impatiens remedy lies in its ability to help individuals cultivate patience and tolerance, allowing them to work more harmoniously with others and savor the present moment. Individuals who benefit from Impatiens may experience a shift toward greater patience, improved ability to collaborate with others, and a more relaxed approach to daily life. This remedy supports individuals in navigating the pace of life with ease, fostering a sense of tranquility and appreciation for the journey rather than being solely focused on the destination.

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